Why Discord ?
It's been around for some time, is pretty decent on history, searches, by user and word search plus combinations. But mainly because I joined to be on Apollo Vampire Discord channel. Also the CaffeineOS channel. So I might as well stay here for JForth. The channel name is 'JForth for Amiga', by the way.
If your new to Discord, follow these links, in order to get setup.
Installation Guide How to install Discord.
Create Account Create/Register and verify your Discord User account.
Join Server Use the invite link I sent you in the email, or email admin at this domain asking for a invite link.
Sending Messages Messages, attachments, GIF's, Emoji's, character limits etc.
Beginners Guide to Discord For a lot more information and help. Explore the Discord site to your hearts content.
First port of call having joined the 'JForth for Amiga' Discord channel. Please go to the 'Welcome' channel and introduce yourself.
Currently, as of 5th May 2023, the channels are :-
#announcements - Only for Admin use. Please don't try and post there.
#welcome - Introduce yourself.
#lounge-for-social - General socializing.
#general-forth-chat - General Forth discussion.
#jforth-improvements - How can we improve JForth.
#jforth-text-programs - create, ask for help programming text programs.
#jforth-GUI-programs - create, ask for help programming GUI programs.
Open to suggestions for additional channels in the future.
Above all, have fun. May the Forth be with you...Always !!!