> JForth Programmers FAQ

JForth Frequently Asked Questions

In every project, there are questions that appear repetitive in nature.

Over time, a list of the aforementioned questions and their answers is usually provided. Users are expected to read the manuals, documentation and the FAQ's before asking questions of people privately or by mailing list etc.

This is a WIP (Work In Progress). Check back often.


1) Why was the manual initially released in RTF (Rich Text Format) ?

The manual was stored on Phil's Mac in a DTP program.
RTF is quite common on all machines.It is used on all the major Amiga word processors.
It enables the use of headers and footers, Font types and sizes, as well as the traditional bold, underline and italic styles.
It is basically a text file with some embedded commands and would be a suitable medium to produce a good manual.
Unfortunately, it turned out that many Word processors would import the text, but not the graphics, font type and size, headers and footers etc...a major problem...So was formed the JForth Documentation Project (JDP).

2) What are Phil & Mike doing now ?

They are both working on other projects. Mike was working on Java, but is now retired.
Phil does Forth as well as Java and now works at Google in the Audio department.

3) How I do xyz...-

The manual is really excellent.
There are plenty of tutorials and explanations in it.
Further, if you look at the code in a text editor, you will find many more answers.

4) What programs have been written in JForth ?

About thirty, including JForth`s text editor. TEXTRA.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE print out the manual and read through it. It is excellent and will solve most of your problems !

I seriously advise you to get a good 3 inch, 3 ring binder with at least 25, if not 30 dividers. It is a solid 373 plus pages !!!

© 1998-2023 Martin Randall